The 2020 Census Is A Big Deal For State And City
Jan, 13 2020
- Rhino Times
City of Greensboro meetings in 2020 so far have at least on thing in common; someone makes a plea for people to participate in the 2020 census.
The census every 10 years is mandated by the US Constitution. The first census was in 1790 and the federal government has held one every 10 years since.
However, this one has some additional importance for Greensboro and North Carolina. Greensboro, according to the Census Bureau estimate, had a population of 294,722 on July 1, 2019. So it appears the city will be close to 300,000 for 2020, and it's a milestone to get over that 300,000 mark.
Also, election districts are drawn based on population, so more people in Greensboro could mean more state representatives and state senators. Of course, that depends on how fast other areas of the state are growing.